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The Whiting Facility of Neenah, Inc. in Stevens Point is the flagship mill creating fine paper and packaging products used by millions of people for the last 100 years. Despite the setbacks of 2020, which saw less demand for Neenah Paper’s products, the Energy Team moved forward with energy efficiency projects. These are projects any manufacturer could have dropped as cost cutting measures, but Neenah Paper pushed forward. 


Every year, the facility drives energy reductions in their operations supported by an “Energy Champion” and an Energy Team. Their energy efforts go from simple LED lighting and VFD additions to complex heat recovery projects and projects to reduce cold water additions into the heated process.
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  • LED lighting upgrades
  • VFD additions
  • Heat recovery projects and projects to reduce cold water additions into the heated process




Estimated first year savings of 8,711,355 kWh and 3,132,156 Therms over the lifespan of the equipment.

Neenah award

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