Renewable Energy

Add cost-effective renewable energy to your facility by tapping into valuable financial incentives.

Solar PV Incentives

Focus on Energy offers incentives up to $50,000 for the installation of Solar Photovoltaic (PV). This incentive is available to commercial and residential properties. Learn more...

Custom Incentives for Renewable Energy (not including solar PV)

Focus on Energy offers incentives up to $300,000 for renewable energy projects including: Biogas, Biomass, Solar Thermal, and Wind. Learn more...

Feasibility Study for Existing or New Anaerobic Digester Facilities for Use of Biogas as a Renewable Energy Source

Focus on Energy offers feasibility study grants designed to encourage end-users to undertake renewable energy biogas projects at existing or new anaerobic digester facilities. Study grants are also provided for assessing the feasibility of installing new on-site anaerobic pretreatment facilities. These grants assist Wisconsin businesses in overcoming financial barriers to make the study and conceptual engineering of complex upgrades possible. Grants will be awarded based on the selection criteria outlined in the Application, limited to budget availability. Feasibility Study Application [PDF]