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Rocky Knoll Health Care Center – a Sheboygan County-owned, licensed and certified skilled nursing facility, offering both short and long-term care for 149 residents—made big investments in energy efficiency beginning in 2012 and continuing through 2020. Strategic operational planning that included energy efficiency projects secured a 2021 Energy Efficiency Excellence (EEE) Award from FOCUS ON ENERGY®.


  • Converting the whole building to LED lighting
  • Retro-commissioning of the HVAC system
  • Installation of energy-efficient boiler heat systems
  • Installation of controls on kitchen ventilation hoods
  • New energy-efficient commercial dishwasher




Annual energy savings of 331,970 kWh and 86,765 therms since completing their first project in 2012.
Annual energy savings of $57,000 per year on utility bills.

Rocky Knoll    

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