Discover Wisconsin’s Businesses Focused on Energy Efficiency

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Discover Wisconsin’s Businesses Focused on Energy Efficiency

From large manufacturers to the craft brewery in your town, Wisconsin business owners looking to cut their energy costs AND energy waste turn to their utilities and Focus on Energy for help. Whether it’s LED lighting to new boilers to automated system controls monitoring energy output, Focus on Energy shows businesses how to continue making/selling great products while cutting down on the energy they consume to create your favorite things that make Wisconsin great!

All this month, we have celebrated our 20-year anniversary showing you HOW we do what we do and WHO uses Focus on Energy to save as well as make money.

In this last installment of our series with Discover Wisconsin, we are going to FOCUS on three Wisconsin businesses creating products you know and love!

Discover Energy Savings in Wisconsin Businesses.”

Take time this during Energy Awareness Month to discover ways YOU can make a difference

In the past 10 years alone, Focus on Energy has delivered $1 billion worth of net economic benefits to Wisconsin.

For every $1 invested into Focus on Energy, our programs generate $4.32 in benefits for Wisconsin residents and businesses.

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