Home Comfort Starts Here - Energy Assessments

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Home Comfort Starts Here - Energy Assessments

Do you experience home issues like drafty or stuffy rooms, high energy costs, seasonal discomfort, and other common concerns? With a professional energy assessment, you can receive expert advice from a Trade Ally contractor to help pinpoint issues in your home. Here are three main reasons to get your home assessed:

Increase Your Home’s Comfort

Along with inquiring about general home comfort and complaints, a Trade Ally will go room by room to inspect:

  • Drafts.
  • Humidity levels.
  • Temperature.
  • Appliances and lighting.
  • Health and safety issues.
  • Air quality and more.

Lower Your Energy Costs

During your home energy assessment, a Trade Ally will evaluate your home’s energy consumption. They will look for common energy wasters like air leaks and lack of insulation, as well as inspect things like your furnace and water heater. After the energy assessment, you will receive a customized report with energy-saving recommendations tailored to your home.

The inspection and recommended upgrades can not only lead to lower energy costs but also a healthier living environment.

Get Incentives for Upgrades

FOCUS ON ENERGY® offers higher air sealing financial incentives for customers who complete a home energy assessment. Your energy report will highlight which upgrades are the best value and investment for your home, and what incentives are available to give you the best deal. Using your report, the contractor can help you prioritize efficiency upgrades before pricing out the work, presenting a contract, and completing improvements.

Check out the video below to learn more about what to expect during your home energy assessment.

If you’re ready to get started, contact a Trade Ally contractor or give us a call at 855.339.8866 to schedule your home energy assessment.

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