Town & Country Bank

Watertown, WI
WE Energies

In September 2014, Town & Country Bank in Watertown was visited by a Focus on Energy Trade Ally, CJM Lighting & Electrical, Inc. of Sussex regarding their eligibility to participate in the Focus on Energy Small Business Program.

Town & Country Bank had very outdated lighting. After the Trade Ally stopped in, the bank decided to look at different opportunities to go green, while improving their business. “We were replacing bulbs on a regular basis-- almost weekly,” said Vickie Murphy of Town & Country Bank. “Updating our lighting system was a green initiative we decided to take. We wanted to better our business while helping the economy.” CJM Lighting & Electrical implemented a number of energy and cost saving measures, including replacing incandescent bulbs with LED lamps. They also added T8 lamps and delamped T12 lamps.

“We really enjoyed working with CJM Lighting & Electrical,” said Murphy. “They worked so well with us, and how busy the bank can be.” 

Town & Country Bank was very satisfied with the results of the Focus on Energy Small Business Program. “The lighting in our lobby is much brighter, and we haven’t had to replace any bulbs since the installation,” Murphy said. The bank has since seen a decrease in their energy bills.

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