The First Steps in the Renew Our Schools Competition

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The First Steps in the Renew Our Schools Competition

Once enrolled in the competition, an electricity monitor eGauge® will be installed in your school’s electrical panel. This equipment allows students and staff to monitor energy in real-time and see the immediate impact of energy conservation efforts.

Following installation, Wisconsin K-12 Energy Education Program (KEEP) and FOCUS ON ENERGY® staff will visit your school to perform an energy audit and identify energy-saving opportunities. Schools will receive the following tools:

  • Light meter to determine if there is too much or little light in a room.
  • Infrared thermometer to analyze the warm and cold spots in the room.
  • Kill A Watt™ monitor to assess how much electricity is used by plugged-in appliances.

After the students learn about the tools and how to use them, they will perform energy audits in 20 rooms throughout the school. The goal is to choose spaces varying in size and location. Students will record their findings on the School Energy Audit form. KEEP and Focus on Energy staff will be available for questions. Schools will use the audit results to create three goals to focus on during the competition. By completing these simple steps, schools can earn up to 60 points and kick off the competition right.

Take the first step towards making your school more efficient by enrolling in the Renew Our Schools Competition today! Visit to learn more about Renew Our Schools and fill out an interest form. Applications for the upcoming fall competition, scheduled for October 2 to November 11, 2022, will be accepted until March 31, 2022.

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