K-12 Schools


Energy costs in schools are the second-highest expense after salaries, even exceeding the money spent on supplies and books. Wisconsin K-12 public school facilities spend more than $175 million on energy costs each year. While schools have actively reduced their energy use by 20% since 2006, there is still over $40 million in potential energy savings to be realized with improved technology and new operational strategies.

FOCUS ON ENERGY® provides financial incentives for equipment upgrades that deliver measurable energy and financial savings for school facilities. Focus on Energy’s team of dedicated Energy Advisors are here to help your school achieve its energy-saving potential.

Renew Our Schools Energy Competition

Get your students excited about responsible energy use through Renew our Schools, a five-week energy conservation competition. School teams earn points as students learn key energy concepts and make behavioral changes to reduce energy consumption in their school and community. Top earning schools will be eligible to receive a cash prize to make more permanent conversation-focused changes in their school buildings.

Focus on Energy is partnering with Wisconsin K-12 Energy Education Program (KEEP) to sponsor 12 schools to compete in the Spring 2023 competition. 

Competition Dates: October 3 - November 11, 2022 and January 30 - March 6, 2023

Costs: Schools will pay $200 for enrollment which Focus on Energy will reimburse upon completion of the challenge.

Interested in participating in the Spring 2023 competition? Complete the Renew Our Schools Interest Form

Ready to sign up? Complete the Renew Our Schools Enrollment Form [PDF]

For more information, email: renew@resourcecentral.org

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Supporting Documents:

Cooling Eligibility Screening Tool [XLXS]

Advanced Rooftop Unit Controllers FAQ's

COVID-19 Energy Impacts to Wisconsin Schools White Paper [PDF]

Success Stories

Schools across Wisconsin are taking steps to become more energy-efficient and control their energy costs. But don’t take our word for it. Hear directly from customers in these case studies: