Potential Study

Documents & Videos

This page contains documents and videos shared with stakeholders of the 2020-21 Focus on Energy Efficiency Potential Study. Documents appear in the order that they are posted. Thank you for your active engagement with this potential study. The Potential Study team very much appreciates your involvement.

2021 Focus on Energy Rooftop Solar Potential Study Report [PDF]
The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) contracted with Cadmus to complete a rooftop solar potential assessment, timed to provide information to the PSC and stakeholders in planning for the 2023-2026 quadrennium of Focus on Energy. Cadmus produced estimates of rooftop solar potential, and simulated market adoption from 2023 through 2034 under a baseline scenario, as well as four additional economic scenarios.

2021 potential study dashboard

Cadmus developed a dashboard tool to accompany the 2021 Focus on Energy Energy Efficiency Potential Study Report.  This tool highlights study results with enhanced data visualization and dynamic selection and filtering of modeling outputs.  Additionally, this tool allows users to generate and export customized data sets of detailed study results.

2021 Focus on Energy Energy Efficiency Potential Study Report [PDF]
The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) contracted with Cadmus to complete an energy efficiency potential assessment, timed to provide information to the PSC and stakeholders in planning for the 2023-2026 quadrennium of Focus on Energy. Cadmus produced estimates of the conservation resources available to Focus on Energy over a 12-year period, from 2023 through 2034.



October 7, 2021: Rooftop Solar Potential Study - Final Stakeholder Meeting

Final Stakeholder Meeting Presentation [PDF] Presentation Video

August 26, 2021: Rooftop Solar Potential Study - 3rd Stakeholder Meeting

Third Stakeholder Meeting Presentation [PDF] Presentation Video

June 30, 2021: Rooftop Solar Potential Study - 2nd Stakeholder Meeting

Second Stakeholder Meeting Presentation [PDF] Presentation Video

May 27, 2021: Rooftop Solar Potential Study - 1st Stakeholder Meeting

First Stakeholder Meeting Presentation [PDF] Presentation Video

April 29, 2021: Potential Study Draft Results Meeting

Draft Results Meeting Presentation [PDF] Presentation Video

February 21, 2021: Potential Study Ramp Rate Stakeholder Sub-Group Meeting


Market Adoption Video

November 18, 2020: Potential Study - 4th Stakeholder Meeting

Fourth Stakeholder Meeting Presentation [PDF] Presentation Video

September 17, 2020: Potential Study - 3rd Stakeholder Meeting

Third Stakeholder Meeting Presentation [PDF] Presentation Video

June 24, 2020: Potential Study - 2nd Stakeholder Meeting

Second Stakeholder Meeting Presentation [PDF] Presentation Video

May 7, 2020: Potential Study - 1st Stakeholder Meeting

First Stakeholder Meeting Presentation [PDF] Presentation Video

Additional Information:

2021 Potential Study Final Measure List [XLSX]

2021 Potential Study FAQs [PDF]